This is my submission for the Show Off Your Skillz in TeX & Friends Contest at
Full LaTeX source and description coming soon below the picture.
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% TypoTux
% Created by szantaii % Compiled with pdflatex using TeX Live 2011 % % Use it as you like, but please send me an e-mail if you do. \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} % Specifying input encoding \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Using the TikZ library for drawing Tux, and clipping \usepackage{tikz} % Loaded for unnumbered captions \usepackage{caption} % For inserting lorem ipsum text \usepackage{lipsum} % Setting baselines smaller \setlength{\baselineskip}{6pt} \begin{document} %\lipsum[1] \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt,x=0.80pt,yscale=-1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,scale=0.25] \begin{scope}[shift={(-249.6684,-294.38903)}] %\begin{scope}[cm={{0.55569,0.0,0.0,0.55569,(249.6684,292.4824)}}] \begin{scope} % Tux's path used for clipping % Generated with Inkscape / % Using the inkscape2tikz extension / \path[clip] (265.5000,1063.0000) .. controls (252.9000,1061.0000) and % Tux's path used for clipping cut from here because it's too long to include. % See link for full compilable source at the end of the post. % Adding lorem ipsum text using TikZ nodes, and the lipsum package \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text1) at (450,450) {\LARGE\textit{\lipsum[1]}}; \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text1) at (500,500) {\LARGE\textit{\lipsum[2]}}; \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text1) at (450,450) {\textit{\lipsum[3-4]}}; \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text1) at (500,500) {\textit{\lipsum[5-6]}}; \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text2) at (450,450) {\scriptsize\textit{\lipsum[7-11]}}; \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text2) at (475,475) {\scriptsize\textit{\lipsum[12-16]}}; \node[inner sep=0,text width=10cm] (text2) at (500,500) {\scriptsize\textit{\lipsum[17-21]}}; \end{scope} \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \caption*{TypoTux} \end{figure} %\lipsum[2] \end{document} |
I have always wanted to create something like this. After I read about this contest I decided to make a Tux who’s drawn by text. I chose TikZ & PGF for this purpose since it’s very powerful, and I used it several times before for path clipping.
Step-by-step description how I made this:
- Grabbed a 2D vectorized Tux image from Wikipedia.
- Removed colored and unnecessary white paths from the image, resized page with Inkscape.
- Saved the black & white image as a standalone TikZ image with Inkscape using the inkscape2tikz extension.
- Removed some unnecessary paths from the tex source file, changed path filling to clipping.
- Added nodes filled with different size of lorem ipsum text using the lipsum package. Note: this was the hardest part, because there was no other way but trying to place the text under the clip path.
- A little bit of fancying, and cleaning up.
Use it for whatever you want to, but please let me know if you do. I compiled it with pdflatex using TeX Live 2011.