
A(z) „művészet, dizájn” kategória bejegyzései

Worthy winner of the PC 4kB intro competition at Revision 2012 and latest example of the compact-coding tradition exercised within the demoscene, Hartverdrahtet by Akronyme Analogiker is a three minute long audio-visual trip into a procedural fractalverse, compressed into a minuscule piece of software. No bigger than 4069 bytes – less than an empty Word document, as demoscene activists like to point out – the executable file contains all the mathematics needed to generate the unfolding visual complexity and audible ambience upon a double-click. A solo effort by a talented coder who calls himself Demoscene Passivist, Hartverdrahtet reveals a mesmerizing cosmos observed through what could be an electron microscope – ethereal, greenish and a little eerie.

The real magic is in the lingo: “It’s a mix of shere-tracing, fake ambient occlusion and a lot of post-processing. And it took me nearly two months to complete it,” the programmer and recipient of last year’s ‘Echtzeit Newcomer Award‘ reveals on his Tumblr. “The shader basically encapsulates a sphere-tracing based raymarcher for a single fractal formula with camera handling. An extra post-processing shader adds effects like god-rays, tv-lines and noise to make the result look more interesting and less ‘sterile’. The different intro parts are all parameter and camera position variations of the same fractal.”


Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 Kilobytes

És itt a lényeg, a teljes videó.


As Ubuntu expands onto new form factors, with an increasingly definitive visual identity and brand, it is important to ensure that the theme of Ubuntu is reflected in all aspects of the experience. The auditory experience of Ubuntu must be included in this theme to maintain an immersive environment and consistency with the brand.

Ubuntu sound theme design « Canonical Design

Röviden, tömören arról van szó, hogy a Canonicalnél végre nekiláttak az Ubuntu hangok tervezésének, hogy a majd’ két éve megújított brandjük még profibb, egységesebb legyen.

Ideje volt már, hogy ezt meglépjék, mert az Ubuntu Sound Theméje eléggé le van maradva a vizuális dizájn mögött. Kérdés, hogy lesz-e még elég idő a következő kiadás előtt befejezni a hangok megújítását, mert a 12.04, kódnevén Precise Pangolin ugye április végén érkezik.

Mindenesetre a február 7-én meghirdetett első hangokra vonatkozó kiírásra rengeteg pályamunka érkezett. Ezeket érdemes meghallgatni, és kitölteni a hozzájuk tartozó kérdőívet. Egy kis feedback senkinek sem árt meg, aki szeretné, hogy az Ubuntu 12.04 ne csak stabil legyen, hanem szépen is szóljon.

[B:]Other rappers dis me
Say my rhymes are sissy.
[J:]Why exactly?
[B:]What? Why?
[J:]Be more constructive with your feedback, please. Why?

Flight of the Conchords – Hiphopopotamus Vs. Rhymenoceros

Az Ani Kuri tévéműsor mellé készült 15 db. egyperces animét 2007-2008-ban láthatták a japán nézők az NHK csatornán, mindegyiket más-más rendezte. Többek közt Makoto Shinkai, Michael Arias, Mamoru Oshii és Satoshi Kon.

Keleti Szél

Playlistbe rendeztem őket, tessék:

When lava pours out near the sea surface, tremendous volcanic explosions sometimes occur.

When lava flows underwater it behaves differently.

Boards of Canada, szeretem.

Note: Still couldn’t find any appropriate, reliable source describing the technical setting for this footage. The same applies to any specific information about the responsible person in charge of the photographs. Please let me know, if you have any information, links or the like. Time lapse sequences of photographs taken with a special low-light 4K-camera by the crew of expedition 28 & 29 onboard the International Space Station from August to October, 2011. All credit goes to them.

HD, refurbished, smoothed, retimed, denoised, deflickered, cut, etc.

Music: Jan Jelinek | Do Dekor, faitiche back2001
w+p by Jan Jelinek, published by Betke Edition |

Editing: Michael König |

Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Shooting locations in order of appearance:

  1. Aurora Borealis Pass over the United States at Night
  2. Aurora Borealis and eastern United States at Night
  3. Aurora Australis from Madagascar to southwest of Australia
  4. Aurora Australis south of Australia
  5. Northwest coast of United States to Central South America at Night
  6. Aurora Australis from the Southern to the Northern Pacific Ocean
  7. Halfway around the World
  8. Night Pass over Central Africa and the Middle East
  9. Evening Pass over the Sahara Desert and the Middle East
  10. Pass over Canada and Central United States at Night
  11. Pass over Southern California to Hudson Bay
  12. Islands in the Philippine Sea at Night
  13. Pass over Eastern Asia to Philippine Sea and Guam
  14. Views of the Mideast at Night
  15. Night Pass over Mediterranean Sea
  16. Aurora Borealis and the United States at Night
  17. Aurora Australis over Indian Ocean
  18. Eastern Europe to Southeastern Asia at Night

HD verzió a vimeo-n.

Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS

Ahogy az előző is, ez is egészen kiváló. :)

Shape Type, the letter shaping game

KernType is part of Method of Action, an online course to help programmers learn design.

Egészen kiváló. :)

KernType, the kerning game


Open Design Now: Why Design Cannot Remain Exclusive surveys this emerging field for the first time. Insiders including John Thackara, Droog Design’s Renny Ramakers and Bre Pettis look at what’s driving open design and where it’s going. They examine new business models and issues of copyright, sustainability and social critique. Case studies show how projects ranging from the RepRap self-replicating 3D-printer to $50 prosthetic legs are changing the world.

Open Design Now is essential reading for anyone concerned with the future of design and society

Until 12-12-12, each 25 days one case, one article and one of the visual index pages will be published on this website. After that you’ll have the whole book to read for free here. To keep yourself updated on newly opened content, please like us on Facebook, or follow @waag and @premsela on Twitter.

A szerzők a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licencet választották, ami azért jó, mert a megjelenő dolgokat, üzleti céllal nem, de amúgy szabadon fel lehet használni és terjeszteni.

Eddig ugyan csak egyetlen cikket olvastam el, de ha az összes ilyen jó, megvannak a hivatkozások stb., akkor nagyon igényes kiadvánnyal van dolgunk. Ajánlott.

Director & Editor: Douglas Wilson
Director of Photography: Brandon Goodwin
Audio & Sound Design: Jess Heugel

Music: Cornbelt Chorus “Drunk Hymn & Interlude”

Linotype: The Film